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盤頭 pan head
底盤設計圖(電) panel layout diagram
縮放儀 pantograph
紙 paper
紙張大小 paper size
紙面光度 paper texture
拋物線 parabola
拋物線弓形面 parabola segment
拋物線半餘面 parabola spandrel
拋物線模板 parabola template
拋物線形包絡線 parabolic envelope
拋物線蝸線 parabolic spiral
拋物面,拋物體 paraboloid
平行面法 paralled plane method
平行,緯線 parallel
並聯(電) parallel circuit
平行圖規 parallel compass
平行尺寸 parallel dimension
基淬3面注尺寸法 parallel dimensioning
平行邊 parallel edges
平行線 parallel lines
平行斜邊 parallel oblique lines
平行透視 parallel perspective
平面 parallel planes
平行投影 parallel projection
理行光線 parallel rays
平行尺 parallel ruling straightedge
直螺紋 parallel thread
平行度 parallelism
平行四邊形 parallelogram
平行四邊形法(橢圓) parallelogram method
平行六面體 parallelopiped
括弧 parenthesis
括弧 parenthesis mark
部分組合圖,部分裝配圖 part assembly drawing
零件 part drawing
優缺點 號 part number
局部剖面,部分剖面 part section
局部視圖,部分視圖 part view
部分組合圖,部分裝配圖 partial assembly
局部輔助視圖,部分輔助視圖 partial auxiliary elvation
局部視圖,部分視圖 partial view
分模線 parting line
隔間牆 partition wall
零件 parts
零件編號法 parts designation system
零件表 parts list
零件佈置圖(電) parts placement layout drawing
紙板 paste board
補綴螺釘 patch bolt
斑點 patchy
專利圖 patent[office] drawing
動路,路線 path
木模,型板 PATT(pattem)
模型(鑄造),範型,模式 pattern
林模圖 pattern drawing
孔排列模式 pattern of holes
木模工場 pattern shop
節圓 PC(pitch circle)
節圓直徑 PCD(pitch circle  diameter)
件 PCS(pcs,pieces)
節圓直徑 PD(pitch diameter)
側基準面 PDP(profile datum plane )
聚乙烯 PE(polyethelyne)
<<eng002>>與谷(表面粗糙度) peaks and valleys
鎚頭圓端 peen
筆,鴨嘴筆 pen
鴨嘴筆尖(圓規) pen attachment
筆尖清潔劑 pen handle
筆尖清潔劑 pen nib
鴨嘴筆尖(圓規) pen point
鉛筆 pencil
鉛筆尖(圓規) pencil attachment
鉛筆圖布 pencil cloth
鉛筆圓規 pencil compass
鉛筆圖 pencil drawing
鉛筆心 pencil lead
圓規用鉛筆尖 pencil leg of compass
鉛筆線 pencil line
鉛筆記號 pencil mark
圓規用鉛筆尖 pencil point of compass
研心器 pencil pointer
研心器 pencil sharpener
用鉛筆描圖 pencil tracing
鉛筆繪圖 penciling
相貫體 penetrated body
筆桿 penholder
鉛筆刀 penknife
圓規用鴨嘴筆尖 penleg of compass
儲墨水筆尖 pens of reservoir type
五角形 pentagon
五角柱 pentagon prism
拭筆器 penwiper
百分率減少 percentage decrease
百分率增加 percentage increase
穿孔 PERF(perforate)
完美形狀(幾何公差) perfect form
完全螺紋 perfect thread
周長 perimeter
週期 period
全周熔接 peripheral weld
周圍,周邊 periphery
永久[鑄]模 permanent mold
容許~差 permissible error"
" permissible variation
垂直 PERP(perpendicular)
垂[直]線 perpendicular
垂直平分線 perpendicular bisector
丁字尺頭部 perpendicular head
直立邊(熔接) perpendicular leg
垂[直]線 perpendicular line
垂直度 perpendicularity
透視圖,透視法 perspective
透視圖,透視法 perspective drawing
透視平面圖法 perspective plan method
透視投影 perspective projection
透視圖[表示]法 perspective representation
側面,側面圖,輪廓 PF(profile)
磷青銅 PH BRZ(phosphor bronze)
假想圖 phantom drawing
點線字母 phantom letter
假想線 phantom line
假想剖面 phantom section
影印 photo printing
影印件 photocopy print
影印 photocopying
照相圖 photo-drawing
照相測量地圖 photogrammetric map
照相平版(印刷) photo-lithography
影印件 photostat print
光電晶體 phototransistor
立體圖表 pictorial chart
象形表示法 pictorial descrition
立體簡圖,實體線路圖 pictorial diagram
立體圖 pictorial drawing
立體效果 pictorial effect
立體說明圖 pictorial illustration
立體視圖 pictorial iview
立體圖法 pictorial method
立體投影 pictorial projection
立體表示法 pictorial representation
立體草圖 pictorial sketch
寫生地圖 pictoriall map
圖書,電影 picture
書面,投影面 picture plane
圖盤圖表 pie chart
件號 piece number
墩(建築) pier
結穿點 piercing point
貫穿點法 piercing point method
椿配置圖 pile arrangement drawing
釘線書法(橢圓) pin and string method
銷鍵 pin key
小齒輪 pinion
管 pip
管托架 pipe bracket
管夾 pipe clamp
管路圖,配管圖 pipe drawing
管扣環 pipe fastening-ring
管接頭 pipe fittings
管吊架 pipe hanger
管附件 pipe ipie accessoriew
管接合 pipe joint
管線 pipe line
管形圖表 pipe organ chart
管滾 pipe roller
管座 pipe seat
管節 pipe section
管支架 pipe support
管系 pipe system
管螺紋 pipe thread
配管圖 pipe work diagram
管線圖 pipe-line drawing
管路 piping
管路圖 piping diagram
管路圖 piping plan
節,節距,螺距,瀝青 pitch
節圓錐 pitch cone
節圓錐角 pitch cone angle
管圓柱(螺紋,齒輪) pitch cylinder
節徑 pitch diameter
節徑公差(螺紋) pitch diameter tolerance
節徑符號(螺紋) pitch diameter tolerance symbol
節線(齒輪,凸輪) pitch line
熔接道節距 pitch of increments
節距分佈 pitch spacing
節圓喉徑 pitch throat diameter
節面 pitchsurface
匹茲堡扣線(板金) Pittsburgh corner lock
樞軸 pivot
板 pl(plate)
尺寸安置 placement of dimensions
平承面 plain bearingsurface
無格紙 plain paper
錐形鉛筆尖 plain point of pencil
光孔 plain round hole
無刻度三角板 plain triangle
平墊圈 plain washer
俯視圖,平面圖,計劃 plan
俯視圖,平面圖 plan view
平面 plane
平面角 plane angle
平面坐標 plane coordinates
平面曲線 plane curve
準平面 plane directing surface
準平面 plane director
平表面 plane face
平面圖形 plane figure
平面幾何學 plane geometry
投影面 plane of projection
對稱面 plane of symmetry
切面 plane of tangency
投射面 plane projector
平面截口 plane section
平面體,多角體 plane solid
平表面 plane surface
平面跡 plane trace
平面坐標系 plane-coordinate system
龍鉋床 planer
面積計 planimeter
鎚平 planish
平面球形圖 planisphere
計劃圖表 planning chart
計劃圖表 planning drawing
工廠佈置圖 plant layout
塑膠 plastics
塑膠材料 plastics material
塑膠管 plastics pipe
塑膠面製圖板 plastics-faced drawing board
礦區圖 plat of mineral claims
地區釁 plat,land map
平板凸輪 plate cam
屏極線路(電) plate circuit
可彎性 pliability
柱肢,柱基,礎 plinth
醳圖 plot plan
點繪交線 plotted intersection
點繪器 plotter
點繪 plotting
坐標紙,方格紙 plotting paper
製圖尺 plotting scale
塞,管塞,插頭 plug
塞規 plug gage
二道螺絲攻 plug tap
塞閥 plug valve
塞孔熔接 plug weld
錭垂線 plumb [bob] line
管鉗工 plumbing
管鉗模板 plumbing template
加 plus
小刀 pocketknife
點 point
淬3點 point directrix
轉向點 point of change in direction
接觸點 point of contract
反曲點 point of inflection
交點 point of intersection
貫穿點法 point of piercing
視點 point of sight
切點 point of tangency
視點 point of view
端視圖 point view
點熔接 point welding
尖頂拱 pointed arch
指向 pointing
點間距離 point-topoint distance
極軸線 polar axis
極坐標圖表 polar chart
極圓 polar circle
極坐標紙 polar coordinate paper
極坐標 polar coordinater
極曲線 polar curve
極線圖 polar diagram
極距 polar distance
極線 polar line
極投影 polar projection
聚乙烯 polyethelyne(PE)
多邊形 polygon
多角柱 polygonal column
多面體 polyhedron
多變曲線 polytropic curve
多變線 polytropic line
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride(PVC)
池塘 pond
通俗圖表 popular chart
瓷 porcelain
輕便型製圖板 portable drawing board
視圖之一部分 portion of view
位置,正位度 position
位置坐標 position coordinates
位置尺寸 position dimension
位置公差 position tolerance
位置尺寸 positional dimension
位置公差 positional tolerance
定位 positioning
位置尺寸 positioning dimension
固定圖紙 positioning the paper
正裕度(最小餘隙) positive allowance
正極(電) positive section
正值 positive value
電位計 potentiometer
吸墨粉 pounce
英磅符號 pound mark
冪,乘冪,功v動力 power
冪方程式 power equation
動力鎚 power hammer
動力分電盤 power panel
動力起子 power screw driver
動力彈簧,發條 power spring
圓頭平鍵 Pratt-Whitney key
線條儔順序 precedence of lines
精密,精度 precision
精密水平儀 precision level
精密轉動配合 precision running fit
精密直尺 precision straight edge
初步設計圖 preliminary design drawing
初步圖樣 preliminary drawing
初步設計三視圖(航空) preliminary threeview drawing
有格紙 preprinted grid sheet
顯示 presentation
示意圖 presentation drawing
壓入配合 press fit
刺孔 pricking
初步輔助視圖 primary auxiliary view
原圖表 primary chart
主基準 primary datum
主基線 primary ground line
主要曲線 principal curve
主平線 principal line
主平線法 principal line method
子午線 principal meridian
主[要]投影面 principal plane[of projection]
主點 principal point
主[要]剖面 principal section
主[要]視圖 principal view
有格紙 print paper
印刷電路 printed circuit
寫正楷字,曬圖,影印,印刷,印染 printing
曬圖架 printing frame
曬圖機,影印機,印刷機 printing machine
曬圖紙,影印紙 printing paper
角柱,稜柱 prism
程式圖 process drawing
製造圖 production drawing
鑄造圖 production drawing for casting
鍛造圖 production drawing for forging
加工方法,製造方法,生產方法 production method
製造程式,生產程式 production process
輪廓圖 profilagraph
側面,側面圖,輪廓 profile
側坐標面 profile coordinate plane
側基準面 profile datum plane(PDP)
側平線 profile line
曲線輪廓 profile of any line
曲面輪廓 profile of any surface
坡水板截面圖 profile of water table
側投影面,側平面 profile plane
側投影面 profile plane of projection
側投射面 profile projecting plane
側面投影 profile projection
側面投影法 profile projection methold
栓槽軸 profile shaft
栓槽軸 profile shaft,spline shart
輪廓公差 profile tolerance
側面跡 profile trace
繪輪廓圖 profiling
測表面計 profilometer
基準式尺寸法 progressive dimensioning
計劃 projcet
投影面積 projected area
延伸公差區域 projected tolerance zone
投射線 projecting line
投射面 projecting plane
投影,投射,突出物 projection
投影圖 projection drawing
投影誤差 projection error
投影線(投射線的投影),尺寸界線 projection line
第三角[投影]法 projection method A
第一角[投影]法 projection method E
浮凸熔接 projection weld
射影幾何 projective geometry
投射線,投影線(投射線的投影),放映機,幻燈機 projector
扁長球體 prolate spheroid
校稿 proofreading
真分數 proper fraction
比例分規 propertional divider
臨地境界線 property line
比例分規 proportional compass
比例法 proportional method
比例尺 proportional scale
雛型 prototype
造型設計 prototypes & design detailing
量角器 protractor
擬圓錐曲面 pseudo conic surface
擬圓柱曲面 pseudo cylindrical surface
非透視立體表示法 pseudo-pictorial representation
部,部分 PT(part)
點圓規 pump compass
瓜子形(字法) pumpkin-seed form
衝點記號 punch mark
標點符號 punctuation mark
檁條(建築) purlin
自動鉛筆按鈕 push button top
按鈕開關 push button[switch]
推入配合 push fit
聚氯乙烯 PVC(polyvinyl chloride)
角錐 pyramid
長方形紙 quadrangle sheet
象限 quadrant
二鎰曲面 quadratic surface
四邊形 quadrilateral
四紋螺桿 quadruple screw
四紋螺紋 quadruple-start thread
配合等級 quality of fit
大量生產方法 quantity-production method
大量生產制度 quantity-production system
大量生產工作 quantity-production work
四分之一 quarter
直角彎管 quarter bend
四分之一圓 quarter circle
1/4=1之比例尺 quarter scale
1:4縮尺 quarter size
直角<<eng005>>轉 quarter turn
四等分 quartile
速調彈簧圓規 quick-action bow
半徑 R(radius)
滾製 R(rolling)
槽口,嵌槽 rabbet
槽口直徑 rabbet diameter
齒條 rack
半徑 RAD(radius)
徑向軸承 radial bearing
徑向尺寸 radial dimension
中心角等分線 radial division line
徑向無線 radial element
徑向剖面 radial hole pattern radial projection
徑向孔模式 radial runout
幅射光線 radial section
徑向偏轉 radiating rays
半徑(radius的複數) radii
無線電羅盤站 radio compass station
半徑 radius
半徑規 radius gage
曲率半徑 radius of curvature
圓弧切線模板 radius tangent template
圓角模板 radius template
向徑 radius vector
不整齊折斷線 ragged break line
鐵路 railroad
雙線筆 railroad pen
鐵路 railway
標度範圍 range of scale
急湍 rapid
變率圖表 rate-of-change chart
比,比率 ratio
比率圖表 ratio chart
比例分規 ratio dividers
射線 ray
投射線 ray of projection
光線 rays of light
滾子軸承 RB(roller bearing)
鋼筋混凝土 RC(reinforced concrete)
轉動滑動配合 RC(running or sliding fir)
矩形,長方形 rctangle
外圓角 RD(rd,round)
易讀性 readability
識圖方向 reading direction
實際尺寸 real dimension
絞光孔 reamed hole
絞光孔 reaming
後輔助視圖 rear auxiliary
後裝門面圖,後視圖 rear elevation
後視圖 rear view
退隱線(垂直於主投影面之直線),後退線 receding line
退隱面(垂直於主投影面之平面),後退面 receding plane
十字穴頭 recessed head
侄數蝸線 reciprocal spiral
記錄卡 recording card
直角坐標 rectangular coordinates
直角坐標注尺寸法 rectangular cordinate dimensioning
矩形,長方形 rectangular form
矩形杠 rectangular frame
直角雙曲線 rectangular hyperbola
矩形物 rectangular object
長方體 rectangular parallelopiped
直角坐標點繪 rectangular plot
長方柱,矩形稜柱 rectangular prism
矩形錐 rectangular pyramid
矩形,長方形 rectangular quadrilateral
直角坐標圖表 rectilinear char
直線坐標 rectilinear coordinates
直準線 rectilinear directrix
直無線 rectilinear element
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